Celebrating the kindness and compassion we experience every day.

The Nice Awards is Norway's first ever celebration that honours vegan friendly businesses, organisations and companies to provide them publicity, fame and recognition. The Nice Awards accolades cover a wide range of categories celebrating the work of independent individuals and larger businesses alike. Projects that make the world more vegan friendly are awarded with a Nice Award to push them further for success and inspire others to do the same.


The Nice Awards 2017


The nicest way to show your appreciation.

These days it's relatively easy to be vegan, so much so that we almost take it for granted. We must not forget that only a few years ago it was difficult to find vegan fast food in Norway, hardly any restaurants served tofu, and not many shops even sold soy milk! At the same time, there were only a few veggie focused blogs around, animal rights charities were much smaller and there were not many good quality documentaries or resources on the subject of ethics and animals. 

It was harder back then but good people pushed against the odds and did things that would make the world a better place. They wrote books, made documentaries, organised events, created charities, and opened businesses. As more resources became available, more people found themselves turning to a greener lifestyle. It's now easier than ever to be vegan.

It's important that we actually take the time to say thank you to the inspiring individuals that have made this happen. The passionate writers behind the blogs we read, the ethical chefs working hard in kitchens to create fantastic dishes, bright entrepreneurs trying to introduce greener products to the consumer market, and kind volunteers giving up their evenings and weekends to help charities help others. Their hard work inspires change, and secures a better future for us all. We created The Nice Awards to celebrate kindness, and the efforts of the people who center ethics in their life and career.